2023 AGM and Prize giving


Annual General Meeting of Northampton Canoe Club 2023 Download (pdf)


Northampton Canoe & Kayak Club Annual General Meeting  (AGM) and Prize giving

The Annual General Meeting and Prize giving will take place at the White water Centre on Sunday 15th October 2023 at 14.30.

The annual prizes will be presented after the AGM.

Will the current holders please return their prizes to the club store by the 17th September. They can be left on or in the cupboard at the back of the boat store. (The cupboard key is on the red tag.)

Committee Membership. Nominations for the Committee Executive Officers – Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson, Secretary and Treasurer – and General Committee membership should be sent by e-mail or in writing to be received by the Secretary on or before 17th September 2023. The nomination should indicate the names of the person being nominated, the name of the proposer and the name of a seconder. [Please ensure that any nominee is willing to stand for the nominated position].

Postal Voting. In the event of an election for committee posts being required, members unable to attend the AGM may vote for their preferred candidates  by post. Postal voting slips will be made available in the clubhouse, or be downloadable from our website, from the 24th September. They should be completed and returned in a sealed envelope marked postal vote to the club secretary prior to the AGM.

AGM Motions. Any Motions or Proposals to be considered at  the AGM should be sent by e-mail or in writing, with the name of the proposer and seconder to be received by the Secretary on or before 17th September 2023. [An explanation of the Motion may also be included for publication to the membership if required.]

AGM Agenda.  An Agenda for the meeting together with details of any Motions and a list of nominees for the committee will be available in the clubhouse and on our website from the 1st October.

Please note that because of  the cost and  issues with the preparation and distribution of “Breakout” , the AGM Agenda will not be posted out this year.  A formal Motion to substitute its publication in Breakout with publication on our website is to be presented at this AGM.


Christina Stone

Club Secretary

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Located at the rear garage
Nene White Water Centre
Bedford Road

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