…The Committee

The NCKC Committee is made up of the following people, the club membership votes for its committee members are the annual AGM each year. If you have any suggestions or want to be a part of the committee these are the people to talk to.

Steven BattamsChairman
Arnie BarkerVice Chairman
Christi StoneSecretary
Arnie BarkerTreasurer
Danny TraynorGeneral Member
Andy BrownGeneral Member
Iain MackenzieGeneral Member
Georgina TalbotGeneral Member
Nina RobinsonGeneral Member

Roles within the club

Membership Secretary: Alan Adams
Arnie Barker
Equipment Officer:
Andy Brown
Coaching officer:
Nina Robinson
Safeguading / Welfare:
Nina Robinson
Breakout Editor: Alan Adams
Communication: Steven Battams
Volunteer coordinator:
Woman’s Rep: Christi Stone
Junior Rep:
Trips coordinator:

If you have some free time and would like to help run the club we are always looking for new volunteers – you don’t have to be a paddler to help out.

Find us…

Located at the rear garage
Nene White Water Centre
Bedford Road

Make Contact…