
Throughout the year we run many trips all of different abilities, these range from flat water day trips to multi-day trips as well as moving water and more extreme white water.  Members of the club get added to an email distribution list keeping you up to date with up and coming trips and events.

 White water trips

North Wales trips will be emailed out at shorter notice due to river levels

Remember if you want to paddle moving water this really has to be done in the winter time, as the rivers in this country are mostly rain fed so we need the rain. There is very little whitewater to paddle in the summer without driving over to Europe.

 Other Trips

More information and short notice trips are emailed out nearer the time.

Check out the calendar for more information

 Up and coming trips & events

Trip LocationDateOrganiserLink to trip information


 Past Trips

Trip LocationDateOrganiserLink to trip information
Tunnels and Trolls, LLangolenSat 26th OctAlan Adams
Local trip Denford to Wadenhoe26th AugustNinaDetails to go on facebook and emailed to Trips list
River Wye weekend21st/22nd SeptemberSteve BattamsWye Trip Sept 2024 pdf
Lemington Spa Doggy PaddleJuly 14th 2024Book in advance - FULLY BOOKED
North Wales, Tryweryn or Dee29th-30th June 2024Steven BattamsNorth Wales Wales June 24 pdf
River WyeFriday 22nd Sept - Sunday 24th Sept 2023Bob FisherWye Trip Sept 2024 pdf
Llangollen canalSaturday 7th October 2023Alan AdamsLlangollen canal trip details
Nene to Billing and backSaturday 10th NovAlan AdamsNene / greggs trip details
North Wales White waterSaturday, Sunday 25th/26th NovSteve BattamsNorth Wales White water trip details
River Dee (upper) LlangollenSat 3rd FebAlan AdamsNorth Wales White water trip details
Local riverSunday 25th FebAndy BrownFlat water trip, contact Andy if interested
River Spey (scotland)24th March x4 daysCarl Sturman*Trip fully booked
Stanwick LakesSat 30th MarchNina RobinsonFlat water trip, contact Nina if interested


Find us…

Located at the rear garage
Nene White Water Centre
Bedford Road

Make Contact…